The result is, it’s work with 95% PS2 games. I tried this method with lots of PS2 games. Enable HAN to install your PS2 game PKG file.
Once you install PS2 classics placeholder PKG. Enable Debug PKG mode and install PS2 Classic Placeholder PKG. Go to your PS3 screen and plug your USB drive on the second port. Go to PS2 Classics placeholder folder and paste PS2 Classics RAP file on Resigner Master>rifgen-master folder.ĭrag and drop PS2 Classics RAP file on ps3xploit_rifgen_edatresign exe (Make sure you have act.dat and idps.hex file Resigner Master>rifgen-master folder too)Ĭopy signed_act.dat, PS2 RIF, PS2 Classic Place Holder PKG file and paste them into USB root folder. (Make sure you have putted your act.dat and idps.hex file on Resigner Master2>PS3Xploit-resigner-master>input>act_dat, Resigner Master2>PS3Xploit-resigner-master>input>idps_hex folder. Copy result PKG file and paste it Resigner Master2>PS3Xploit-resigner-master>input>pkgs folder. Go to Make PKG on PS2 Classic GUI and change game logo and background image by clicking game logo and background image.Ĭlick on Make PKG to start PKG building process. Go to result folder and rename your result file name. to Leave everything default and start encrypt process. Open your PS2 ISO or BIN formatted game file.
Go to PS2 Classics GUI and run PS2 Classic GUI exe